Self Indulgent ..? or Self Improvement?
Reading the other day and listening to a few youtube videos on my channel. We are so blessed to live in this age. There is heaps of...

Grey Nomads ...Can You?
Feels relaxing doesn't it. Laying back in the ocean soaking it up. But what is really going on for so many? They are asking, what can I...

Retire Quick! ...and do what ?
Do we have the luxury of BE-ing able to DO things or stuff, so we can make the choices, we really want to HAVE. Â Like John says in the vide

Time Sneaks Up...
WOW! Time can sneak up on you really quickly. Amazing really it only seems like a short time ago I was slogging it out day to day... in...

Yoda is right... There is no try!
As time goes by I realise it is not about just building a business. Your head and your heart have to be in the right place. So here...

Bad Hair days..business from scratch..
How hard is it? Building a business from scratch on the internet. Easy ?? hahaha... I thought I had it made, after all, how difficult...