Let me show you the direction I am going..Follow Me...If you like the idea of a little honest challenge... - by Dorothy Pilgrim

Come with me as I document my journeys, & work through the challenges of starting an online business from scratch. Starting out at the cool age of 52 has some interesting implications, mainly technology. However my broader business background is a great help. I have interests that are starting to take a more important role in my life decisions and where in the end some ideas and opportunities will lead. I like 5 star. You can too.
My goal is to help you, if you want to come with me on this journey.
Dorothy Pilgrim -
Entrepreneur, World Traveller, Author & Lover of Life

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About figuring out... How to Retire Well. How to Create Positive Attitudes. How to Live Life to The Fullest. How to Create an Income. How to Maintain a Balanced Life. How to Travel the World. and Health too ...Age bracket 40-105
How Do We Succeed In What Ever We Work On In Life?
Let me start this with my very own experience. My personal story with my insights thrown in. Maybe you can relate to this. Maybe my experience is nothing like yours.
Many of us spend life being a little messed up in our thinking. Something happens to us on any given day, maybe some thing small and insignificant, in the big picture. It made us a little uncomfortable or angry. How much time do we spend pondering on it... concentrating on it and perhaps over thinking it and in the process making it grow in our thinking to something larger than it is.
I would call that giving something legs...which means allowing it to grow and get a life of its own. You phone a friend, your well meaning friend sympathises and empathises with you..Then you tell your sister, she is really on your side and is ready to stand by you, in a fierce capacity. Helping this idea or thought grow to its full capacity as a negative thought.
You take it to social media or you talk to friends at your work and it grows bigger...
I bet you know people who do this .... right ?
What If..? You Cut To Another Version..
What if...??
What if you chose to go ahead and enjoy your day?
What if you adopted another way of processing the thinking behind the challenge or negative stuff you experienced?
What if you thought about something positive something that made you feel good and you talked to your friends about that?
What if we could turn that whole bad situation into a good situation and.. what if.. we did this and made a practice of it everyday?
What If Every Day We Concentrated on Positive Emotions
If we managed to work on our positive emotions every day, if we found ways to cultivate these positive thoughts in our heads. We concentrated on the things we want, and not on the things we do not want. Our worlds would be one of happiness and success. This has to be because whatever we think about is what we become. A simple Universal Law - The Law of Attraction.
Up until a few years ago I had heard about this but never really got it.
Today, more than even I understand this and my life has changed completely for the better.
In business I had struggled before. Now I am much happier and people are drawn to me because of this. Which brings me to this whole point.
Why show people opportunities to make money when most people are skeptical because they have friends who have had a bad experience or they have, and yet the reason for you not making or having enough money in reality is nothing more than your head is perhaps not in the right space.. Yep that could be a slap for some and you might not like me for this. But I will say this and stand by this opinion. Get your head and heart in the right place, and you will have an abundance of everything you want.
I have had and experienced many business opportunities, and failed at so many now I have truly lost count. I know many people personally in these businesses who have made millions and why not me? The only difference in pretty much every case between me and them... Is my head was not in the right space for making the money. A couple may have made some money..who did not have their head in the right place. BUT they quickly lost it again. Why? Because Money will not stick to an attitude that is unable to cultivate it.
How do you grow your retirement nest egg or retirement fund or superannuation. By now you might be thinking... WOW... I have to start asking my Financial expert what I need to do next. You might be like me and ask... But because of a past business loss and having made a couple of interesting decisions lending money to others etc. I really have nothing backing me up. So I am blessed with a little under 16 K AUD. Funny about that. What would it buy me.. A bus ticket to the corner ...TICK but seriously it would not sustain me for very long at all. The best I could hope for is a reasonable second hand car, or a 4 week cruise to Asia, or some new furniture. But as far as sustaining me and allowing me to enjoy a life for any length of time.
NO WAY! I will improve this.
Make a list. My List was comprehensive. (see below) It had everything on it I wanted in a business..
I chose my words carefully always gently concentrating on what I want. This has been the biggest change for me. A great change, hope it helps you too, in a most positive way.
You can join me in my quest to help others to teach others to coach others, or you can come along and learn how to grow your retirement cash so you can live the good life and travel or sit in a chair and read a book or do what ever it is your heart desires. My goal is to coach and help as many people who want to live a life of their dreams.... In doing so, this will indeed bring me to mine. A beautiful thought.
Work from anywhere
No staff
No shop front
High Commissions
High ticket items
Simple to operate
Like-minded people
Environment friendly
Family Friendly
No skill required
Short hours
No set hours
How Much Joy Would You Have?
Face it! You are a Champion. Some of you agree, with me and my idea. Some are for sure telling my I am "blowing wind up your skirt" which is a slang Australian way of saying I am complimenting you because I want something.. Yes I want something. What I want is Joy... the joy of seeing you make it to your dreams. The selfish bit... Really, is so I can see I am making a difference in the world. I needed to do something... my something to help others. I took on the challenge to help as many under privileged kids in the world as I can.
Wanting to live a happier life travelling the world or doing whatever it is I fancy, and extending my joy to you, because I am sure there is something you can do to change the world in a good way. Or you can support your family in a way you always wanted to, which is changing the world.. one person at a time in the best way possible.. With Love... But we need more cash for that...here is the best way I can see to Build your own business, in a carefree way. Look at my list above, it took some work to find my perfect business. I set my mind to it and found it anyway....
How much Joy can you take in your life ?
Is it your DREAM to start your own business and not have usual business type stress...You can Start Here & Now with 17 minutes on the right. See where it may lead you..
There are some amazing things waiting for you...