Let me show you the direction I am going..Follow Me...If you like the idea of a little honest challenge... - by Dorothy Pilgrim

Come with me as I document my journeys, & work through the challenges of starting an online business from scratch. Starting out at the cool age of 52 has some interesting implications, mainly technology. However my broader business background is a great help. I have interests that are starting to take a more important role in my life decisions and where in the end some ideas and opportunities will lead. I like 5 star. You can too.
My goal is to help you, if you want to come with me on this journey.
Dorothy Pilgrim -
Entrepreneur, World Traveller, Author & Lover of Life

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About figuring out... How to Retire Well. How to Create Positive Attitudes. How to Live Life to The Fullest. How to Create an Income. How to Maintain a Balanced Life. How to Travel the World. and Health too ...Age bracket 40-105
Who I am
I am A Life Partner a Daughter, A Sister. I am an Activist, a friend, who likes to think the world can be a much better place. I am a lover of life, a World Traveler. I am a Business Entrepreneur. I am an Aid worker. I am especially passionate about children in need. Children who need to know how it feels to have a family and to be loved. Children who can go to bed at night with a full belly they deserve that... You can help by donating below. House of Hope is an Amazing Place and cares for Orphans.
My past work background is in Construction or related business. I can design, I can be an idea oracle, I can assist with building a home, creating a picture of how a house should sit on a block to gather the best added value. I can design Kitchens, Bathrooms, & Laundries. I can do a sketch of your new house or renovation to be sent to drafts-person for drawing to a spec to save you money. I can punch-list a building during its renovation or build and for habitation once the job is being wound up. I love designing for ergonomics...
My special passion is dorothypilgrim.com my website where I can talk to you and hopefully help you to move forward in your business, your efforts to retire graciously and financially secure whenever you feel the time is right for you.
Why I do this
Lets talk specifically about lifestyle and business. I have looked at and been apart of many businesses over the years. In the past I have spent 10's of thousands of dollars to be involved in networking businesses Multilevel marketing Business, I have been involved with companies like Amway, Dominant, Nuskin, A perfume One, A money making scam, an overseas money making scam, some other skin care ones, health products, weight loss, you name it. They all have two things in common. You really have to bug your friends, distribute products etc. They are all small ticket items. These companies all have different and endearing qualities, and I learnt heaps.
The aim in the end is to learn, and to be able to pass on what I have learnt. Helping as many as possible to reach their goals. I bet you want to know why I might want to help you....The quick easy answer is ....I figure if I can help you and 2 others, you and the other 2 pay it forward and help someone else...that someone else pays it forward...Come and check out the maths on that. This means I am doing something cool rather than watching TV, and I can tell you I much prefer helping and participating than watching TV. There is no pressure ever and you can see for yourself..
Is it for you ? Join my mailing list and see what I have in store for you.
What I can do for you
As Kathrine Hepburn says... We have one hand for helping others and one for Helping ourselves.
I believe I can help you make money, for your retirement for when ever you decide that is. My satisfaction is helping you reach your goals.
Click on this Link and see my Facebook Group.... Like it if you do...Look forward to meeting you..