Grey Nomads ...Can You?
Feels relaxing doesn't it. Laying back in the ocean soaking it up. But what is really going on for so many? They are asking, what can I do? Wondering if their retirement funds are going to last the distance. Other questions like, We want to travel we want to do some fun things complete our bucket list. Should we sell our house? What about our security and financial security? Should we rent the house? Should we leave the house empty? We need to rent the house to help support us on our travel adventures.. Where do we store our furniture in case we want to come home. So many variables. So many options. How do you decide what is best for the unknown future. Really, 5 minutes from now a drastic change could have already occurred.
The just over 50's are working hard topping up that last bit before they head off on the wonderful Trip of a lifetime. They are talking to friends, listening to stories of friends who are already on their way. But when it gets down to the last decisions, the last actual move toward freedom, to do as they want, do they fully understand the impact? What other important decisions will have to be made. Figure it out... Start Now.. Do You have a Plan? Maybe to help top things up you could create some more income by starting a small business.. Dare I say it you could involve yourself in a Network Marketing Business.. Some of you will quickly want to slap me with "No-one is successful at that"...Really?? There are plenty successful at that!

What about an online business? Reading an Article today.. There is no better time to start than now... Yes the world is changing for the better, there are opportunities galore.
Check it out... reach out... take a look be brave. You can always say no... After you have completed some due diligence. The main thing is... Check out what is around! Move Forward. Create the best life for yourself. It is not all about the money ...Reality is ..Its all about creating your best life. In doing that, you create your best healthy self, your best happy self... and that is more important than anything else.. No matter what your friends and family say.