Bad Hair from scratch..
How hard is it? Building a business from scratch on the internet. Easy ?? hahaha... I thought I had it made, after all, how difficult could it be. Learning all new terminology, how to get clicks, driving traffic The list was endless. See I thought I had covered everything on my list I was getting Amazon to dispatch the product. I was doing doing doing.... it was hard slog I had to learn a new loading system, build a website, I was travelling at the time, so a few days off here and there, then you have to start again. There was no continuity in what I was doing, and there were no rule books for how to make a good income. What I did have though was many people sending me the next coolest product to buy. Of course I thought it was the next great thing. I did find though that most of the time it was a quick upsell, buy now, learn nothing, oh and what you did just buy is useless, because you will need the higher priced upgrade, and the price will be 20 times the cost if you do not buy right here, right now. To be honest it was driving me nuts and making me very cynical. I did not know where to go from there. It would send me spinning into overwhelm. See the picture below. Really this is a picture of me....
YES I am for real! Arghhhh!! ...
It does describe exactly how I was feeling. I am not embarrassed to tell you... I was stumped.

I needed to go through this part of the business building and trying to make things work. Now I understand completely why I am here today telling you about what I am doing now. Because do you need to go through all that, if I have already.. My Goal is to save you the trouble, and at the same time encourage you to go out and make your list, figure out what you want, and do what you have to do to create a nice retirement for yourself, and not be relying on assistance that may not be there to help you when you do need it.
If you do want help to make your list, contact me I am here to help..
Have an Amazing Week!
For more info.... Catch up with me here...