Self Indulgent ..? or Self Improvement?
Reading the other day and listening to a few youtube videos on my channel. We are so blessed to live in this age. There is heaps of...

Yoda is right... There is no try!
As time goes by I realise it is not about just building a business. Your head and your heart have to be in the right place. So here...

Why you should adopt a morning routine
You work better in the morning.....This is a fact....however I know some have a different view of this. You do know though, that if you...

If at first you don’t succeed: Why failing is a must
If at first you do not succeed.... Pheeeeeew... Try again. and again and again. There is a saying about that. It is not how many times...

The best advice my Grandmother ever gave me
Being the Apple of your Grandmothers eye and being the eldest grandchild, I loved going to visit for holidays. I loved talking with my...

My Birthday... My Dream Becoming Reality
Today is my Birthday. Thanks yes... I have many Beautiful and Amazing friends on Face Book wishing me a great day and year... Family and...