If at first you don’t succeed: Why failing is a must
If at first you do not succeed.... Pheeeeeew... Try again. and again and again. There is a saying about that. It is not how many times you get knocked down... It is how many times you get up. Personally I have to be heartened and happy for my failures. (there has been many). The reason is because it got me here to be the person I am today. Recently a neice put a post on face book. It went like this... I wish I had a delete button..in my life to delete some people, some memories and some feelings. Of course I did the usual Aunty stuff and answered with... Nope....Everyone of them is responsible for making you the Gorgeous Girl you are today. Fortunately she came back with a like on it.
With that in mind, How do you think? What do you think? Do you think positively? What are you saying to yourself each day? Are you beating yourself up over the things you have not done.. or about something you did... or distracted about how the bus conductor spoke to you this morning..All of these things lead us to a path and belief in ourselves. I hope your belief in yourself is outstanding and you have enough pride in yourself to think and do the things that really matter for you. What am i saying here? Look after you and your Life, be the person you are meant to be. Above all plan for your future.

Have an Amazing Day!