My Birthday... My Dream Becoming Reality

Today is my Birthday. Thanks yes... I have many Beautiful and Amazing friends on Face Book wishing me a great day and year... Family and friends singing to me over the phone.....etc. Am another year wiser. I never see it as older, that is something my late Great grandmother was... Old...However one thing I can tell you, the time for me has sped at lightning speed from 33 to 53, yes 7 years off 60 as my mother would like to remind me. Now let me see... recently, I received a letter from my Superannuation minders the statement reads.... $15, 315.31. Now that is a wake up call. How is it that I am going to have a happy retirement, doing all the things I dreamed about. Travelling to exotic places, eating amazing food, walking on the beach, sitting at a cafe watching the world go by, getting some sun, enjoying different cultures.....Considering my little itsy 15 K + nest egg above, it seems hardly enough to buy me a bus ride around the block.
The people I feel sorry for, are the ones that have not figured this out yet. Hopefully they do before it becomes a stress
Now about you.... You must have a fortune stacked away, right? Enough to keep you well in a lovely lifestyle until you reach at least 85? Well done you. Perhaps you have a full on passive income that will support you and you can will it to your Grandchildren.
My dream becoming reality.... A business that makes me a nice income.. I can do little work... I can do my work anywhere in the world with an internet connection..for an hour or so a day...I can travel to events all over the world meeting like minded people... Have an Amazing Day!