Does This Sound Right To You?
On the other hand, there were quite a few people with scathing comments, about photos and even more with comments like, "You must have

Lets Take A Peek At Yours!
Yes c'mon, lets take a peek. What is on your "To Do List"? Do you make a Daily List? A Weekly list? A Monthly List ? You have no list ?...

Retire Quick! ...and do what ?
Do we have the luxury of BE-ing able to DO things or stuff, so we can make the choices, we really want to HAVE. Â Like John says in the vide

All Ready To Retire?
If you are the "Are you kidding me" person and still working on how you are going to plan and create a great retirement, where you

Time Sneaks Up...
WOW! Time can sneak up on you really quickly. Amazing really it only seems like a short time ago I was slogging it out day to day... in...