My Diva Princess way to a new Business
When I first thought about choosing a new business, I had no idea where it would lead. My passion has always been renovating, housing design.....and my jobs have always been centered around the building industry, in some way, shape, or form. My varied resume is on Linkedin if you want to check it out. Soooo.. because that is my passion, I thought I really wanted to do something like that. However it would not fit into all the forms of my Business critera that I had built for myself.
Here is my criteria list:
1. No shop or office I have to go to every day.
2. No employees
3. It has to make me enough money to support me and my lifestyle
4. I want to travel lots more.. so it has to support this too.
5. I support children's foundations it has to allow me to grow that interest
6. It has to be environmentally friendly
7. It has to be definitely ethical
8. I want to work where I want in the world for a few hours a day or less
9. Helping other people is manditory
10. Simple business to operate
11. A business where I can mix with like-minded people and exchange ideas
12. No storing products
13. No dispatching products
14. Noooooo Stresssss

Ah... now really it sounds "to good to be true" ... you know the saying if it "sounds too good" then it probably is not real... not ethical, not earning enough... or plain old not available.
What came up next?... I never saw this coming...Strap yourself in and enjoy the ride!
Check out my next post... and see what has happened since.