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Self Indulgent ..? or Self Improvement?

Reading the other day and listening to a few youtube videos on my channel. We are so blessed to live in this age. There is heaps of excellent information to learn new skills to work on creating your ideal life, where people can freely give out the information on lessons they have learnt and sharing the wisdom of life or business lessons. Which brings me to a point.

Some people are reading up to a book a day and are improving the life skills, self worth, net worth, and so many other things along the road to creating their own happy life. Many of you know full well, that I have lots of time. I love my life. But fitting in a book per day?? Now that is quite monumental.

Fast Forward a few days. Now I have set myself the challenge of reading a book per week. I felt I should rise to the challenge and make a start. No not a book per day, I prepared myself to fully read and understand a book per week.

When I lived at home with my parents, I was encouraged not to read so much because apparently "doing" was seen as being far more important. If you were reading a book that was really just a waste of time. Well past that idea, I was encouraged in my business life with Network Marketing Mentors that it is a great idea to read, as it does improve you both in attitude and in general life outlooks. Authors and Other peoples ideas who may have been there before you. I also found this helped my in my Bricks and Mortar businesses as well. So I encourage you to start reading, if you are not reading at all and figure you have little time, find 10 minutes every day. Make a start then expand on this. My intention is to expand to read my one per week then 2 per week. The only thing that this can do is improve me as a person and create a more open view of life in general. As I look towards creating even more happiness for myself and in creating this... spreading it around. After all, That is what really matters? Right ???

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